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Some of the donations helping us make a difference.
Catholic Concern for Animals
Global Animal Rescue Fund
Donation Amount: £500
Spotlight Donors
Martha & Richard: 13,750 MZN
Celistino Santos: 1,000 MZN
Total - 14,750 MZN / $230
Spotlight Donors
Jose Miguel Quintas: 15,000 MZN
Jose Maria: 5,000 MZN
Sean Nazerali: 6,000 MZN
Total - 26,000 MZN / $400
A&O Gebäudereinigung Germany & Andrea Oun
Donation Amount: 70,000 MZN / €1,000​​
Anonymous Donations
Total - 10,000 MZN / $160
Spotlight Donors
Lourdes Waty: 6,000 MZN / $93
Kimeta Bojic: 3,500 MZN / $53
Traudel Müller: 1,300 MZN / $20
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