We need you to make our dream your reality!
All people are different - and we recognise that everyone has a unique way to contribute towards a social responsibility project. Associação Amigos dos Animais (AdA) needs your help, and offer a number of different ways for you to contribute or donate to the welfare and rehabilitation of rescued animals.
Ways that you can help!
Donations Towards our Future Projects
Lumpsum Financial Donations for Settlement of Specific Supplier Costs – i.e. Veterinary Bills
Monthly, Quarterly or Annual Financial Donations to Support Operational Expenses
NGO Collaboration for Education and Advocacy of Legislation
Staff’s Salary
Veterinary Costs
Animal Foods for Cats & Dogs
Cleaning Supplies
Deworming & Vaccinations
Construction & Property Maintenance Services
Social Media and Marketing Campaigns, or Events
Internships for youths, to learn how to Care-for and Protect Animals