Phase 02
The aim of phase 02 is to raise funding for site preparations and construction of initial facilities so that Associação Amigos dos Animais (AdA) can move out of the current inadequate facilities as soon as possible.

Animal Shelter & Rescue Care
Associação Amigos dos Animais (AdA) new animal shelter & rescue care will include the following:
Outdoor Open Areas (animal daytime freedom)
Indoor Kennels (dog’s night-time sleeping)
Open Plan Cattery (shared free-living space)
Quarantine Kennels (dogs and cats)
Dog Path for Exercise & Rehabilitation Area
Staff Facilities (kitchen, locker rooms, ablution, accommodation)
Operational Offices (administration, laundry, storerooms)
Accommodation (visitors and volunteers)
Grooming Facilities
Hotel Facilities
Associação Amigos dos Animais (AdA) new hotel facilities will include the following:
Outdoor Open Areas (dog’s daytime freedom)
Indoor Kennels (dog’s night-time sleeping)
Open Plan and Indoor Cattery (shared free-living space)
Quarantine Kennels (dogs and cats)
Grooming Parlor

AdA Staff Residence & Visitor Accommodation
Accommodation for Veterinary Hospital & Animal Shelter Live-in Staff
Double Rooms with Shared Male/Female Bathrooms
Accommodation for Visitors, Veterinary Students & Volunteers
Single Rooms with Shared Male/Female Bathrooms
Dog Training Facilities
Associação Amigos dos Animais (AdA) new dog training facilities will include the following:
Dog Training Field & Path (open lawn space, obstacles)
Covered Seating Area
Domestic Dog Training / Owner Training
Specialised Dog Training (wildlife & nature conservation)